THE KILLER INSIDE: THE RUTH FINLEY STORY: Actors Teri Hatcher and Tahmoh Penikett on new Lifetime film | Interview

In 1946, then sixteen-year-old Ruth Smock was subjected to sexual assault that left her scarred both physically and psychologically. By 1977, Ruth was happily married to Ed Finley in Wichita, Kansas, when she was stalked and abducted. At the same time, the serial murderer BTK was active in the area, leading the police to wonder if the crimes were linked. What actually happened is the basis of THE KILLER INSIDE: THE RUTH FINLEY STORY, written by Katie Gruel and directed by Greg Beeman. The Lifetime telefilm, starring Teri Hatcher as Ruth and Tahmoh Penikett as Ed, premieres Saturday, June 29. […]Read On »