WonderCon 2011: HANNA director feels his new thriller works as a story of female empowerment

Saoirse Ronan in HANNA | ©2011 Focus Features

During the press event for HANNA (which opens April 8) at  WonderCon 2011 in San Francisco, director of the film Joe Wright talked about whether political or social messages played a big part in his film about a young woman who is trained to protect herself by her former CIA father in the wilds of Finland. “I hope that the film works on different levels,” Wright says. “It can be taken on a pure action thriller, but also we wanted to work in that responsible aspect and so it will be enjoyable by many different audiences.” And Wright isn’t shy […]Read On »


WonderCon 2011: Saoirse Ronan reveals her rumored THE HOBBIT involvement

Saoirse Ronan in HANNA | ©2011 Focus Features

While promoting her new film HANNA at Wondercon 2011 in San Francisco, it was inevitable that Saoirse Ronan would have to talk about THE HOBBIT prequel. THE HOBBIT director Peter Jackson cast her in his THE LOVELY BONES and rumors have been swirling on the Internet for weeks that she’ll take a role in the anticipated LORD OF THE RINGS prequel. This is what Ronan had to say: “I would like to think that he would hire me for his next film,” Ronan says. “I love Pete, I really do. It would be great to be involved. But honestly nothing has […]Read On »

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