Movie Review: T-BLOCKERS

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Lauren Last, Lewi Dawson, Toshiro Glenn, Lisa Fanto, Stanley Browning, Steven Thai Hoa, Brendan Cooney, Etcetera Etcetera Writers: Alice Maio Mackay & Ben Pahl Robinson Director: Alice Maio Mackay Distributor: Dark Star Pictures Release Date: March 5, 2024 (VOD, Digital) In terms of ambition and sheer craziness, one has to give it up to T-BLOCKERS. It’s kinda/sorta like this or that, but it’s also pretty much its own thing. Billed at the opening as “A transgender & queer film by Alice Maio Mackay” – Mackay directed and co-wrote the script with Ben Pahl Robinson – and […]Read On »