TCA News: LIFE’S TOO SHORT for STAR WARS star Warwick Davis

Ricky Gervais and Warwick Davis in LIFE'S TOO SHORT | ©2012 HBO

For the new HBO faux documentary series LIFE’S TOO SHORT (debuting February 19), Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant have created a comedy centered around Warwick Davis – the little star of STAR WARS: EPISODE IV: RETURN OF THE JEDI (he played Wicket the Ewok), LEPRECHAUN, WILLOW and most recently HARRY POTTER. “I do talk about about most of the work I’ve done in the series particularly WILLOW comes up a lot,” says Warwick from HBO’s TCA press day. “We did some stuff on LEPRECHAUN. A lot of my body of work I talk about and my career, but WILLOW would […]Read On »

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