CRIMINAL MINDS: Matthew Gray Gubler and Joe Mantegna talk Season 13 – exclusive interview

Joe Mantegna as David Rossi in CRIMINAL MINDS | © 2018 CBS

CRIMINAL MINDS is now in its thirteen season on Wednesday nights on CBS. Matthew Gray Gubler has been on the series since its inception as the brilliant but socially awkward F.B.I. Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid. Joe Mantegna joined CRIMINAL MINDS in its third season as David Rossi, who left the Bureau to become a best-selling nonfiction author, only to return to the fold. The two men are enjoying supper together on an outdoor CBS lot, dressed to look like a 1930s street, in Studio City, but are up for discussing this season while they continue their meal. ASSIGNMENT X: […]Read On »


THE AMERICANS: Joe Weisberg & Joel Fields talk the final season – exclusive interview

Keri Russell as Elizabeth Jennings in THE AMERICANS | © 2018 Fx

FX Network’s series THE AMERICANS begins its sixth and final season Wednesday, March 28. The new season takes place approximately three-and-a-half years after the end of Season 5. We’re in the mid-‘80s, and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev is proposing a new era of “glasnost,” or openness. Philip (Matthew Rhys) has now retired as a spy for the K.G.B., while his wife Elizabeth (Keri Russell) continues to run missions from the cover of their D.C.-adjacent home and job as a travel agent. Elizabeth has also brought college-student daughter Paige (Holly Taylor) into the espionage fold, though Paige doesn’t yet understand how […]Read On »


GOTHAM: Alexander Siddig talks the return of Ra al Ghul – exclusive interview

Alexander Siddig as Ra al Ghul in GOTHAM | © 2018 Tommy Garcia/FOX

In Season 4 of GOTHAM, Thursday nights on Fox, it appeared that young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) had killed Alexander Siddig’s character, the enigmatic and nefarious Ra’s al Ghul. However, this is GOTHAM, where the dead don’t always stay dead. Moreover, Siddig remains in the opening credits and has appeared in previews for future episodes, so it seems Ra’s isn’t done tormenting the future Batman just yet. The Sudan-born, English-educated Siddig has major genre cred. Siddig spent seven years as Dr. Julian Bashir in STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE. Other genre work includes REIGN OF FIRE (dragons), PRIMEVAL (dinosaurs), the […]Read On »


SCANDAL: Joe Morton talks about his role in the final season – Part 2 – exclusive interview

Joe Morton as Rowan Pope in SCANDAL | © 2018 ABC/Eric McCandless

In Part 2 of our interview with Joe Morton, we go in for an exclusive conversation on how the actor feels about the end of SCANDAL, now in its seventh and final season Thursday nights on ABC. Morton recently took some time to play civil rights activist Dick Gregory in a production of TURN ME LOOSE at the Annenberg Center in Los Angeles, which may be revived elsewhere, and is in JUSTICE LEAGUE as Dr. Silas Stone. ASSIGNMENT X: So are you sad to be seeing SCANDAL wrap up, or do you feel like your character Rowan Pope has gotten […]Read On »


AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE: Katy Mixon talks embracing family in Season 2 – exclusive interview

Katy Mixon as Katie in AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE | © 2018 ABC/Bob D'Amico

On ABC’s AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE, now in its second season on Wednesdays, Katy Mixon stars as the title character, Katie Otto. Katie has an easygoing husband (Diedrich Bader) and three kids of varying temperaments. She is a normal-sized woman with middle-class issues, but the Ottos have moved to a Connecticut suburb where all of the women seem to be Size 0 and obsessed with perfection. Katie struggles to maintain her sense of self, along with keeping her family up and running. Mixon previously costarred for six seasons on MIKE & MOLLY as the sister of Melissa McCarthy’s character. In features, the […]Read On »


COUNTERPART: Cast talks spies from different worlds – exclusive interview

Nazanin Boniadi as Clare in COUNTERPART | © 2018 Starz

Starz’s COUNTERPART, now in its first season on Sunday nights and renewed for a second, is a combination of espionage thriller and speculative fiction. In the series created by Justin Marks, reality split in two 30 years ago. At first, the two mirrored each other, but now there are significant differences. Most people don’t know about the schism, which has its connecting point in a tunnel beneath Berlin in Germany. Those who do know are involved with either keeping the peace or trying to destroy it. Nazanin Boniadi and Sara Serraiocco (pronounced “Ser-ee-O-ko] play two very different spies from the Other […]Read On »


SPEECHLESS: Actor Cedric Yarbrough talks year two of the ABC sitcom – exclusive interview

Cedric Yabrough as Kenneth in SPEECHLESS | © 2018 ABC/Bob D'Amico

ABC’s SPEECHLESS, now in its second season on Wednesday nights, revolves around the DiMeo family. There are three kids in the family – Ray (Mason Cook), Dylan (Kyla Kenedy) and JJ (Micah Fowler) – but mom Maya’s energies are mainly spent on making sure the world treats JJ right. This is because JJ, now in high school, has cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair and requires someone else to voice his words for him. (Actor Fowler, who also has cerebral palsy, is able to speak on his own, but because JJ does not speak in SPEECHLESS, neither does the actor.) […]Read On »


FRESH OFF THE BOAT: Actor Randall Park on the show’s changes – exclusive interview

Randall Park as Louis Huang in FRESH OFF THE BOAT | © 2018 ABC/Bob D'Amico

In ABC’s half-hour FRESH OFF THE BOAT, now in its fourth season on Tuesday nights, Randall Park plays Taiwanese immigrant Louis Huang. Based on the childhood recollections of real-life celebrity chef Eddie Huang, FRESH OFF THE BOAT follows the Huang family as parents Louis and Jessica (Constance Wu) try to balance running a country-themed restaurant in Florida with raising three young boys. Park, a native Los Angeleno who also writes and directs, has a wide-ranging career in television and film. Some of his recent credits include NEIGHBORS, playing North Korean President Kim in THE INTERVIEW, OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY, SNATCHED and […]Read On »


THE OATH: Ryan Kwanten & Cory Hardrict talk playing corrupt cops – exclusive interview

THE OATH | © 2018 Crackle

The title of Crackle’s new series THE OATH, which is now streaming all ten first-season episodes, refers to the vow made by police officers when they join the force. The series, created by Joe Halpin, deals with a surprisingly and alarmingly widespread phenomenon: gangs within police departments. Ryan Kwanten and Cory Hardrict play, respectively, Steve Hammond and Cole Hammond, adoptive brothers and detectives working in an unnamed American police department; THE OATH shoots in Puerto Rico. The Hammond siblings are also members of the Ravens, a gang operating inside the department that stages a bank heist at the beginning of […]Read On »


DECEPTION: Creator Chris Fedak talks magic and crime solving – exclusive interview

Jack Cutmore-Scott as Cameron in DECEPTION | © 2018 Craig Sjodin/ABC

ABC’s new series DECEPTION, which premieres Sunday, March 11, deals with the intersection of stage magic, a la David Blaine, and crime solving. When headliner magician Cameron Black, played by Jack Cutmore-Scott, is entangled in a murder, his efforts to clear his name cause him to team up with FBI agent Kay Daniels (Ilfenesh Hadera), which helps her sleuthing as well. Creator/executive producer Chris Fedak (who co-created CHUCK) explains DECEPTION’s premise during a Q&A session. “The idea behind this show is “tricking,” essentially. So many action shows, you have, “How do you capture bad guys?” Sometimes you get them doing […]Read On »

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