THE FARTHEST – VOYAGER IN SPACE: Scientists Linda Spilker and Tom Spilker on the new PBS NOVA program – Exclusive Interview

Planetary scientist Dr. Linda Spilker and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientist Dr. Tom Spilker both worked on the Voyager space exploration project, sending two unmanned spacecraft beyond the boundaries of our solar system, which is examined in PBS NOVA’s THE FARTHEST – VOYAGER IN SPACE. Linda Spilker continues to work on the Cassini mission, exploring Saturn, its moons and its rings, documented in PBS NOVA’s DEATH DIVE TO SATURN. Both programs air on PBS Wednesday, September 13 (check local listings for times). As their surnames suggest, the Doctors Spilker are married to one another. Linda Spilker wears a ring, […]Read On »