Movie Review: FORGET ME NOT

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Tobias Menzies, Genevieve O’Reilly, Gemma Jones Writer: Mark Underwood, story by Rebecca Long, Steve Spence, Mark Underwood Directors: Alexander Holt & Lance Roehrig Distributor: Trinity Creative Partnership Release Date: May 9, 2016 (U.S. theatrical); December 17, 2020 (home video) FORGET ME NOT, per IMDB, was actually made in 2010. This accounts for the youthful appearances of leads Tobias Menzies (THE CROWN, OUTLANDER, GAME OF THRONES) and Genevieve O’Reilly (Mon Mothma in the current run of STAR WARS projects). Will Fletcher (Menzies) is a London musician, charming when playing folk-rock on his guitar in a London club, […]Read On »