Breaking News: Why HAWAII 5-0 is moving to Friday Nights in the fall – TCA 2013

Alex O'Loughlin in HAWAII FIVE-0 - Season One - "Heihei" | © 2010 CBS/Neil Jacobs

After three seasons on Monday nights, CBS will be moving their hit series HAWAII 5-0 to Friday nights. At today’s CBS Summer TCA press tour, CBS Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves offered his reasoning for the move. “We didn’t have a lot of space for new 10 o’clock dramas,” says Moonves. “We saw HOSTAGES and fell in love with it.  We said ‘that’s going to be very powerful.’  In addition, HAWAII 5-0 skews a little bit older.  So we figured with BLUE BLOODS doing extremely well, Friday night has become more a total viewer show than a demo […]Read On »


TCA 2011: The Scoop on FRINGE Season Three and what J.J. Abrams thinks of the move to Fridays

Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and John Noble in FRINGE - Season Three | ©2010 Fox/Smallz and Raskind

While speaking with FRINGE executive producer J.J. Abrams tonight at the Fox’s TCA press tour winter party, ASSIGNMENT X asked what his first thought was when he was told the show was moving to Fox’s death slot on Friday nights (which has already claimed DOLLHOUSE and THE GOOD GUYS as recent victims). “My first reaction was ‘sh*t’ followed almost immediately by ‘thank you Fox,’” says Abrams. “The truth is, we’re talking about the third season of FRINGE, a show other networks might not have given that kind of chance and support. What I’m hopeful for is that the viewers of […]Read On »


TCA 2011: Fox says don’t write “eulogy” for FRINGE on Fridays

Blair Brown and Joshua Jackson in FRINGE - Season Three - "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep" | ©2010 Fox/Liane Hentscher

Much has been said about the move of FRINGE to Friday nights on Fox, but at today’s Winter TCA press tour in Pasadena, CA,  Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly says, “I beg you to not write the eulogy.” “It’s a show we’re passionate about,” says Reilly. “It’s a show we’re passionate about. Friday is a troubled night. Contrary to performance we had on that night, it’s not a free night for us. We’re continually looking for the solution to the night. We were happy to see it show up on a number of top ten lists. It’s like a mini-movie […]Read On »

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