Movie Review: WAR GAME

WAR GAME movie poster | ©2024 Submarine Deluxe

Stars: Chris Jones, Kris Goldsmith, Ralph Brown, Janessa Goldbeck, Gov. Steve Bullock, Maj. Gen. Linda Singh (MD Arng., ret.), Elizabeth Neumann, David Priess, Joe Reeder, Sen. Doug Jones, Sgt. Major Marshall “Will” Williams (USA, ret.), Gen. Wesley Clark (USA, ret.), Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan (USA, ret.), Ben Radd, Eric Schmeltzer, Samantha Libraty, Bill Kristol, Isha Sesay, Peter Strozk, Louis Caldera, Gwen Camp, Lt. Gen. Alexander Vindman (USA, ret.), Doug Wilson, Fred Wellman, Chris Coffey, Jack T. Tomarchio, Gary Perez, Doug Gordon Writers: Tony Gerber and Jesse Moss Directors: Jesse Moss and Tony Gerber Distributor: Submarine Deluxe Release […]Read On »

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