I, FRANKENSTEIN Highlights this week in Blu-ray, DVD and VOD Releases

I FRANKENSTIEN | © 2014 Lionsgate Home Entertainment

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. Movies: I, FRANKENSTEIN – Some major blockbusters are not meant to be anything more than just a popcorn flick where you sit and see what they present to you and whether it is good or bad, it is at least enjoyable. I, FRANKENSTEIN is definitely one of these […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos from the HER Los Angeles Premiere

Joaquin Phoenix at the Los Angeles Premiere of HER | ©2013 Sue Schneider

Warner Bros. Pictures held the Los Angeles premiere of HER on December 12th at The Directors Guild of America. It was a small premiere with the stars and a few guests. Half of the photographers were outside and the rest of us inside, and since it was such a cold night I was happy to be inside the lobby. Walking the carpet were the stars of the film, which included: Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde (who is pregnant), Matt Letscher, and Director Spike Jonze. Joining the stars of HER were guests, which included: Flea, Simon Helberg, Dawn […]Read On »

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