Movie Review: HOLISTAY

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Erin Gavin, Gabriela Kulaif, Steven Martini, Gavin O’Fearraigh, John Michael Hersey, Bailee Bob Sveen Writer: Mary Gallagher Director: Mary Gallagher Distributor: Breaking Glass Pictures Release Date: July 25, 2023 (VOD/Digital) HOLISTAY is technically a thriller with Celtic horror trimmings. However, structurally, it’s like one of those jokes where the punchline requires a long, deadpan set-up in order to work. On the upside, the “punchline” in HOLISTAY works, at least when it hits. Then we’re left with more questions. On the downside, the set-up here is indeed long. HOLISTAY takes place in an upscale neighborhood in San […]Read On »