Movie Review: 12 YEARS A SLAVE

Rating: R Stars: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael K. Williams, Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Fassbender, Lupita Nyong’o, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, Alfre Woodard Writer: John Ridley, based on the book by Solomon Northup Director: Steve McQueen Distributor: Fox Searchlight Release Date: October 18, 2013 For anybody who is now or has ever been soft on the Confederacy, 12 YEARS A SLAVE is here to beat such sympathies into the ground. Based on an extraordinary but evidently true story, the film is set in the pre-Civil War U.S. Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is a well-respected, successful black musician living in Saratoga, New […]Read On »