TV Review: WAREHOUSE 13 – Season 4 – “There’s Always a Downside”

Stars: Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Saul Rubinek, Genelle Williams, Allison Scagliotti, Aaron Ashmore, Jaime Murray, Ashley Williams, Kate Mulgrew, Alessandra Torresani Writer: Drew Z. Greenberg Director: Constantine Makris Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: Aug 13, 2012 I have such conflicting emotions where WAREHOUSE 13 is concerned. I like the series for the most part, and now that we’re in the fourth season there is a style and rhythm all it’s own for this show. (and now you hear the ‘but’ coming) However, I’m just not sure what this series is trying to be. When it started out […]Read On »