Movie Review: THE TROLL HUNTER (Trolljegeren)

Stars: Otto Jespersen, Glenn Erland Tosterud, Tomas Alf Larsen, Johanna Morck, Hans Morten Hansen Writer: Andre Ovredal Director: Andre Ovredal Distributor: Magnet Releasing Release Date: May 6, 2011 VOD; June 10, 2011 theatrical Trolls. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t easily kill them. This is the situation presented to us in Norwegian writer/director Andre Ovredal’s THE TROLL HUNTER (aka TROLLJEGEREN) which has enough moments of straight-faced hilarity to balance out its slower stretches. The film is currently available VOD and opens theatrically on June 10. For those who don’t know much about the origins of trolls in Scandinavian mythology, they are […]Read On »