Exclusive Interview: HANNIBAL news on Season 1, Season 2 and beyond from showrunner Bryan Fuller

Hugh Dancy, Laurence Fishburne and Mads Mikkelsen in HANNIBAL - Season 1 | ©2013 NBC/Robert Trachtenberg

HANNIBAL series creator Bryan Fuller says people should definitely tune into tonight’s episode, “Releves,” which airs tonight, Thurs. June 13, on NBC at 10 PM. “Episode Twelve, the penultimate episode, is so fantastic, because all of these threads – we land the plane on so many issues and really kind of deliver what’s going on and what Hannibal’s plan is and Will is figuring it out. So many dangling story issues get resolved or addressed in the penultimate episode of the season, and then all of that gets spiked in the finale.” HANNIBAL is based on the character created by […]Read On »

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