TIGER STRIPES Poster | ©2024 Dark Star Pictures/Netflix

Rating: TV-14 Stars: Zafreen Zairizal, Deena Ezral, Piqa, Jun Loiong, Khairunazwan Rodzy, Shaheizy Sam, Fatimah Abu Bakar, Bella Rahim Writer: Amanda Nell Eu Director: Amanda Nell Eu Distributor: Dark Star Pictures/Netflix Release Date: June 14, 2024 (theatrical); July 9, 2024 (VOD) TIGER STRIPES won the Cannes Film Festival Critics’ Week Grand Prize Award. It can best be described as consistently engaging and agreeably weird. Horror as a metaphor for the start of adolescence is nothing new, but director/writer Amanda Nell Eu still makes TIGER STRIPES feel fresh. She is helped in this by a setting that will be new to […]Read On »

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