Exclusive Photos from Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK World Premiere

Marvel Studios’ held the world premiere of THOR: RAGNAROK at the El Capitan Theatre on October 10th. It was a huge premiere closing down Hollywood Boulevard with fans lining the street and the screams as the stars arrived were deafening! Chris Hemsworth is back as Thor in this brand-new, action-filled adventure. Joining Chris on this night were the stars of the film, which included: Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Jeff Goldblum, Rachel House, Clancy Brown, Ray Stevenson, Kevin Feige (Producer), Taika Waititi (Director), Eric Pearson (Screenwriter), Christopher L. Yost (Writer) and Brad Winderbaum (Producer, Executive, […]Read On »