LUCIFER: Kevin Alejandro digs deeper into the new season of the Netflix series – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Kevin Alejandro in LUCIFER - Season 3 - "Chloe Does Lucifer" | ©2017 Fox/Ray Mickshaw

LUCIFER is now streaming its first five seasons on Netflix, with a sixth and final season coming later this year. In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Kevin Alejandro, who plays LAPD Detective Dan Espinosa on LUCIFER and has directed four episodes, we talk about the episode “Daniel Espinosa: Naked and Afraid,” written by Mike Costa, adjusting to LUCIFER’s stop-and-start history, and more. ASSIGNMENT X: You’ve previously talked about doing ride-alongs with real law enforcement personnel for your roles playing police. In terms of playing law enforcement, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned? KEVIN ALEJANDRO: It’s to […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Actor and director Kevin Alejandro on Season 5B and the musical episode – Part 1

LUCIFER Season 5 Key art | ©2021 Netflix

LUCIFER follows its title character through a very complicated chronicle. At the outset, Lucifer (Tom Ellis) has gotten fed up with ruling Hell and has opened a nightclub in Los Angeles. He gets himself a gig as a police consultant, to the initial annoyance of LAPD Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German), but eventually, the pair fall in love – and she finds out Lucifer’s true identity. For those who may not be up to date with the history of LUCIFER as a series, it’s based on the DC Comics series by Mike Dringenberg & Sam Kieth, spun off from Neil […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks about the growth of Lucifer and Chloe in Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 4

LUCIFER - Season 5 Key Art |©2020 Netflix

In the fourth and final installment of this exclusive interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about his love of the character of LAPD detective Dan Espinosa, played by Kevin Alejandro, the growth of the characters of Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and Chloe (Lauren German), and more. AX: It seems like once a season, Dan attempts to either kill Lucifer, or get Lucifer killed, and then feels really bad about it later. Why is that? COSTA: Well, you’re talking to the right person, because of all the writers, I have always loved […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks Lucifer and Chloe finally getting together in Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 3

Tom Ellis as Lucifer in LUCIFER - Season 5 - "It Never Ends Well For the Chicken" |©2020 Netflix/John P. Fleenor

In Part 3 of this exclusive four-part interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about having series regulars play other roles in the black-and-white Season 5 episode, the decision to finally have leads Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and Chloe Decker (Lauren German) get together romantically, and more. AX: With “It Never Ends Well for the Chicken,” the black-and-white Season 5 episode set in the ‘40s, did the story come up first, and then the writers thought, “Oh, we should do this in black-and-white,” or were you looking to do something in black-and-white […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa talks all things Lucifer for Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Tom Ellis as Lucifer in LUCIFER - Season 5 - "Our Mojo" |©2020 Netflix/John P. Fleenor

In Part 2 of this exclusive four-part interview with Mike Costa, co-executive producer/writer on LUCIFER, which is currently streaming on Netflix, he talks about LUCIFER’s identity as a series, the meta “Diablo” episode, and more.  AX: For a number of years, LUCIFER and SUPERNATURAL as shows were making jokes about each other in the episodes – the Lucifer character on SUPERNATURAL, played by Mark Pellegrino, said at one point, “What am I gonna do, go to L.A. and open a nightclub?” SUPERNATURAL for the last two seasons had God as a character, played by Rob Benedict, although their God was […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Co-executive producer Mike Costa gives the scoop on Season 5 – Exclusive Interview – Part 1

LUCIFER - Season 5 Key Art |©2020 Netflix

LUCIFER concluded the first half of Season 5 with major events. Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and his destined human love Chloe Decker (Lauren German) finally got together romantically. Lucifer’s evil twin, the archangel Michael (also Ellis) maneuvered Chloe’s ex, detective Dan Espinosa (Kevin Alejandro) into finding out that Lucifer really is the Devil. Lucifer and Michael’s angel brother Amenadiel (DB Woodside) found out that the infant son he’s had with human psychotherapist Linda (Rachael Harris) is mortal. Demon bounty hunter Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) is still furious with Lucifer for having gone to Hell without telling her, even though he’s back now. […]Read On »


DRIVEN: Richard Speight Jr. on new film, SUPERNATURAL and LUCIFER – Exclusive Interview – Part 2

Richard Speight Jr. in DRIVEN | ©2020 Uncork’d Entertainment

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview phone interview with Richard Speight Jr., he talks more about his acting work playing a novice demon hunter in the new low-budget supernatural feature film DRIVEN, written by fellow lead Casey Dillard and directed by Glenn Payne. Speight also discusses directing for the series SUPERNATURAL – he plays the Trickster/Loki/archangel Gabriel on the show – and LUCIFER, as well as fan conventions. ASSIGNMENT X: Having made a scripted TV series, KINGS OF CON, with Rob Benedict – who plays Chuck/God on SUPERNATURAL – about being actors who appear at fan conventions, and being […]Read On »


TV Review: SUPERNATURAL – Season 14 – “Stranger in a Strange Land” – Season Premiere

Danneel Ackles as Anael in SUPERNATURAL - Season 14 - "Stranger in a Strange Land"| © 2018 The CW Network, LLC/Bettina Strauss

Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Jim Beaver, Samantha Smith, Mark Pellegrino, Danneel Ackles, Katherine Evans, Dean Armstrong, Shafin Karim Writer: Andrew Dabb, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Thomas J. Wright Network: The CW, Thursdays @ 8 PM Original Airdate: October 11, 2018 Alternative universe Archangel Michael-in-Dean’s-body (Jensen Ackles) – got all that? – is flying around our universe, testing and destroying any human who doesn’t meet his exacting standards. Sam (Jared Padalecki) is losing sleep while not finding Dean. (He’s also not shaving.) We learn that it’s been three weeks since Dean got possessed so […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Kevin Alejandro on directing and more – Part 2 – Exclusive Interview

LUCIFER actor Kevin Alejandro | photo courtesy Kevin Alejandro

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with actor/director Kevin Alejandro, he talks more about his work on Netflix’s LUCIFER as LAPD detective Daniel Espinosa, what he’s learned from real-life police officers, and his directing work on both the series and his award-winning short film BEDTIME STORY. ASSIGNMENT X: A lot of your characters are people in law enforcement. I mean, you did LUCIFER and you did SOUTHLAND for a couple of seasons, and you’ve played police detectives in other things. Do you think there’s something about you that makes people go, “Aha, police detective”? KEVIN ALEJANDRO: I think so. […]Read On »


LUCIFER: Kevin Alejandro on Season 4 – Part 1 – Exclusive Interview

Kevin Alejandro in LUCIFER - Season 3 - "Chloe Does Lucifer" | ©2017 Fox/Jason Bell

LUCIFER is about what happens when the fallen angel (played by Tom Ellis) comes to Los Angeles and becomes a police consultant. The series ran for three seasons on Fox Network. When Fox canceled it, Netflix picked up LUCIFER for a fourth season, which premiered earlier this year. (All seasons can currently be seen on Netflix.) Now Netflix has announced a sixteen-episode fifth and final season that will stream next year. In LUCIFER, Kevin Alejandro plays LAPD detective Daniel Espinosa. Dan carries around a reputation for being dirty, although he was legally exonerated, as he actually committed some crimes to […]Read On »

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