Movie Review: THE HANGMAN

THE HANGMAN movie poster | ©2024 Epic Pictures Dread

Rating: Not Rated Stars: LeJon Woods, Marcellus, Scott Callenberger, Kaitlyn Lundardi, Rob Cardazone, Jefferson Cox, Lindsey Dresbach, Daniel Martin Berkey, William Shuman, Laura Loftus, Richard Lunello, Ameerah Briggs Writers: LeJon Woods & Bruce Wemple Director: Bruce Wemple Distributor: Epic Pictures Dread Release Date: May 31, 2024 (theatrical); June 4, 2024 (VOD) THE HANGMAN opens with the following supertitle: “There are at least seven known gateways to Hell across the world. One of the sits in the mountains of West Virginia. The region has no name.” This is intriguing, but it’s not the set-up to the type of horror movie we […]Read On »

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