THE GREAT AMERICAN READ: Actor/writer Wil Wheaton talks favorite books – Exclusive Interview

THE GREAT AMERICAN READ logo | ©2018 Nutopia/PBS

PBS brings back THE GREAT AMERICAN READ on Tuesday, September 11. Hosted by Meredith Viera, THE GREAT AMERICAN READ premiered back in May. The series aims to discover “America’s best-loved novel” by means of viewer opinion. To date, two million people have voted, narrowing the list down to one hundred titles. With eight episodes rolling out on successive Tuesday nights, the season finale on October 23 will reveal the top vote getter. (Those interested in voting can do so via, hashtag voting on Twitter and Facebook, an SMS app, and by phone. Actor/author Wil Wheaton is one of the […]Read On »


The Dork Side: Let’s blame everything on TEEN MOM

TEEN MOM logo | ©2011 MTV

Of course, the big news this week is that I’m knocked up. Yes, The Dork Side is going to have a spawn. I blame MTV’s TEEN MOM. They make it all look so glamorous. I do not foresee this whole pregnancy thing affecting The Dork Side. Maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps a year from now this column will be all about YO GABBA GABBA and SESAME STREET. In the meantime, it’s time to let the snark out of her cage: * I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity. Singer-turned-violent-douchebag Chris Brown’s album debuted at No. 1 on the […]Read On »

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