THE UNTOUCHABLES: LIMITED EDITION soundtrack | ©2012 La La Land Records

Ennio Morricone has never been better then when composing for Sergio Leone’s epics of American gangster-ism, whether it was committed in dust busters for ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, or in the flashy 30s hood attire of ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA. So it seemed only natural when the Italian maestro finally pulled a job for crime-obsessed director Brian De Palma, whose 1987 take on THE UNTOUCHABLES remains not only one of the best TV-to-film translations ever, but a picture where De Palma’s stylistic swagger was a perfect fit for Morricone’s, propelling him to made man status […]Read On »



THE HOBBIT soundtrack | ©2012 WaterTower Music

Probably the best reason to celebrate Peter Jackson’s plodding return to Middle Earth in THE HOBBIT is that it gives Howard Shore a chance to once again make the aural trek from Hobbiton for THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY. The fact that listeners will feel they’ve already been on this familiarly epic road for a good long time makes for a welcome sense of return to the dictionary’s worth of musical vocabulary that Shore had so painstakingly set up in the previous LORD OF THE RINGS saga. Now THE HOBBIT more than proves the axiom that if it something ain’t […]Read On »


CD Review: HITCHCOCK soundtrack

HITCHCOCK soundtrack | ©2012 Sony Classical

If Gus Van Sant’s near frame-for-frame modern recreation of PSCYHO ranks as one of the most unneeded and unnecessary remakes of a classic ever, at least it allowed Danny Elfman the opportunity to do a slavishly spot-on re-performance of Bernard Herrmann’s infamous score in the new film HITCHCOCK. Now in supreme act of meta-composing, Elfman gets to go behind the curtains of the Bates Motel to musically unmask the “real” master of suspense and the tense production of his pet project, with a voice that echoes Herrmann’s as much as it does Elfman’s own penchant for blackly ironic comedy. Far […]Read On »


CD Review: JACK REACHER soundtrack

JACK REACHER soundtrack | ©2012 La La Land Records

If you’re thinking of the musical roller coaster excitement that filled last Xmas’ MISSION IMPOSSIBLE picture, then you don’t know JACK. JACK REACHER, that is. That’s because Tom Cruise means business as an ex-homicide military detective with his own brand of law. As a result, Joe Kraemer’s darkly intriguing score resonates with near-continuous, tightly-clenched brooding that plays like the wind-up to a gut punch. Pretty much absent from the big screen after delivering a noteworthy, cult score for his pal Christopher McQuarrie’s WAY OF THE GUN back in 2000 (not that Kraemer hasn’t been busy since on stuff like FEMME […]Read On »



SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK soundtrack | ©2012 Sony Classical

If this golden PLAYBOOK had a dangerous sense of unpredictability that gave its lunatic love story a real edge, then part of that credit goes to filmmaker David O. Russell’s surprisingly whimsical choice in music for SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK. And one particularly inspired choice was giving Danny Elfman, a composer best known for ghoulish black comedy, the chance to go for positively sunny quirk. Think John Lennon in Elfman’s peace and love guitar stylings, beatific chorus and quirky percussion that keep addled time with Bradley Cooper’s bipolar trash bag runner, almost reciting his screwed-up positive mantra to get his life […]Read On »


CD Review: NOBODY WALKS soundtrack

NOBODY WALKS soundtrack | ©2012 Lakeshore Records

One of the most interest alt. score duos to arrive on the Hollywood scene since Tom Hajdu and Andy Milburn went by the name of Tomandandy for KILLING ZOE, the Brooklyn-based collaborative of Will Bates and Phil Mossman have given themselves the not-so easily identifiable moniker of Fall On Your Sword. With their own impressively uniquely combination of rock-based percussion and hypnotic minimalism, Sword seemingly struck from nowhere with the surreal sci-fi score of ANOTHER EARTH before getting slightly more down to our planet to chronicle the screwed-up relationships of 28 HOTEL ROOMS, GENERATION UM… and LOLA VERSUS. But playing […]Read On »


CD Review: BOUND FOR GLORY soundtrack

BOUND FOR GLORY soundtrack | ©2012 Intrada Records

Of the major soundtrack labels specializing in retro releases, Intrada might have the quirkiest tastes in taking chances on catalogue titles, especially when it comes to movie with a surfeit of songs that might not necessarily appeal at first to score fans. But then, how can you go wrong when those freewheelin’ political tunes are by Woody Guthrie, in the personage of David Carradine in the film BOUND FOR GLORY. An actor most popular in pop culture for wandering the west and kicking ass along the way as KUNG FU master Caine, Carradine got the role of a lifetime in […]Read On »


CD Review: THE BODYGUARD soundtrack (3,500 edition)

THE BODYGUARD soundtrack | ©2012 La La Land Records

It’s a great thing to be a composer on a diva-driven film whose soundtrack will go through every precious metal LP there is to hang on a best-selling wall. Not so much for score fans hoping to hear the underscore amidst the pop hits, but for the musician who has one or two contractually mandated cuts that will give him a taste of the platinum pie. Now twenty years after the release of THE BODYGUARD, and several months after the sad death of its superstar Whitney Houston, those who are equally enamored of Alan Silvestri have finally gotten their complete […]Read On »


CD Review: BATTLE OF THE BULGE soundtrack

BATTLE OF THE BULGE soundtrack | ©2012 Perseverance Records

Perseverance Records is on a roll re-issuing the original LP-programming of such Warner Brothers titles as CAPRICORN ONE, THE EXORCIST and THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK, their distribution now having grown to encompass Europe (excepting the U.K.) to allow fans to get their hands on these formerly hard to find titles. But if there’s one catalogue soundtrack just might have the most meaning for that continent, then it’s Benjamin Frankel’s 1965 score to BATTLE OF THE BULGE. One of the 60s biggest WW2 spectaculars, BULGE chronicled the Allies’ desperately fought battle to suppress a German tank offensive in Belgium, one that […]Read On »


CD Review: FRANKENWEENIE soundtrack

FRANKENWEENIE soundtrack | ©2012 Walt Disney Records

Tim Burton and his muse Danny Elfman keep doing their darndest to give life to the genie in a stop-motion bottle that was THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, first assembling the body pieces of THE CORPSE BRIDE, and now the doggie bits that comprise FRANKENWEENIE. And even if the public can’t quite seem to get Jack Skellington out of their minds, or ears, it doesn’t mean that this gleefully demonic duo isn’t applying a different shot of energy each time at winged bat (or winged cat-bat demon in this film’s case). Where BRIDE mainly drew life from the comedic opera stylings […]Read On »

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