Movie Review: CREEP BOX

Rating: Not Rated Stars: Geoffrey Cantor, Seán Mahon, Ian Lithgow, Katie Kuang, Allie McCullouch, Annemarie Lawless, Adam David Thompson (voice), Aya Marseille Hull, Dan Cordle Writer: Patrick Biesemans Director: Patrick Biesemans Distributor: Quiver Distribution Release Date: January 24, 2025 (digital) CREEP BOX turns out to be a misleading title for this slow-burn techno/maybe supernatural thriller. There is indeed a box, but neither it nor those associated with it are particularly creepy, albeit some are morose and/or morally dubious. It’s approximately the year 2029. The box in question is the property of HDTA, a company that sells its services to well-heeled […]Read On »