SHARK WEEK: Shark expert Paul de Gelder on his five different specials – Exclusive Interview


Shark expert Paul de Gelder has had a busy year preparing for Discovery Channel’s thirty-sixth annual SHARK WEEK, which this year runs Sunday July 7 through Saturday July13. De Gelder is involved in five SHARK WEEK programs this time around: SYDNEY HARBOR SHARK INVASION, which premieres Sunday July 7, GREAT WHITE SERIAL KILLER: SEA OF BLOOD, which premieres Monday July 8, DEADLIEST BITE, which premieres Tuesday July 9, and THE REAL SHARKANO and SHARK ATTACK ISLAND, both of which premiere Friday July 12. DE GELDER: No, this was the first five months of this year [2024], so I’ve been diddy-bopping […]Read On »


SHARK WEEK: Shark Expert Paul de Gelder on the 30th Anniversary of Discovery’s annual summer event – Exclusive Interview

Ronda Rousey and Paul De Gelder pose before their dive beneath the waters off the Fiji coast in RHONDA ROUSEY UNCAGED | ©2018 Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel’s SHARK WEEK is back for its thirtieth anniversary, bringing with it seven days of aquatic apex predator fun and information, beginning Sunday July 22. One of SHARK WEEK’s favorite hosts, Paul de Gelder, is back for three of the event’s specials: RONDA ROUSEY UNCAGED, which features Olympic and UFC athlete Rousey training with de Gelder in order to be able to face sharks, airing Sunday, July 22; SHARKWRECKED, on Thursday, July 26, which follows de Gelder and James Glancy float for two days and nights with sharks in the open ocean; BLOODLINE: THE SPAWN OF JAWS, which investigates […]Read On »

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