LIFE AT THE WATERHOLE: Cinematographer and co-host Bob Poole on Africa-set docu-series – Part 1 – Exclusive Interview


LIFE AT THE WATERHOLE is a documentary series that runs on three successive Wednesdays on PBS, beginning May 19. It chronicles what happens when an artificial waterhole is created inside Africa’s Mwiba Wildlife Reserve in Tanzania. A filming blind is constructed within the waterhole. The animals don’t see the equipment, and the camera operators work remotely. This allows the wildlife to drink without fear, which in turn allows viewers a unique vantage point on Mwiba’s native creatures. LIFE AT THE WATERHOLE covers a year at the title location, through the dry season, the hot season, and the rainy season. It […]Read On »


ROADKILL: Actor Hugh Laurie and creator David Hare on new miniseries – Interview

Hugh Laurie in ROADKILL | ©2020 PBS

ROADKILL is a four-part British drama, premiering on PBS Masterpiece Sunday, November 1. Hugh Laurie (HOUSE M.D., THE NIGHT MANAGER) stars as English politician Peter Laurence, who is trying outmaneuver a scandal without any regret or remorse. ROADKILL is created and written by David Hare, an Oscar nominee for his screenplays for THE READER and THE HOURS. Both Hare and Laurie take part in a virtual Q&A as part of PBS’s portion of the Summer 2020 Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour. This article is derived from that session. What motivated Hare to write ROADKILL? “Oh, golly, that’s such a […]Read On »


FRONTLINE: THE CHOICE 2020: Producer Michael Kirk on the new PBS documentary – Exclusive Interview


FRONTLINE will present THE CHOICE 2020 on PBS, Tuesday September 22. The two-hour program is an exploration of the backgrounds, shaping forces and leadership styles of U.S. presidential candidates President Donald J. Trump and former Vice-President Joe Biden. Michael Kirk, who has received sixteen Emmy Awards (and many more nominations) for his work as a producer, director, writer, and telejournalist, has been with FRONTLINE since its inception. As part of PBS’s portion of this summer’s virtual Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour, he gives Assignment X an exclusive interview about his work with FRONTLINE and THE CHOICE 2020. ASSIGNMENT X: […]Read On »


OCTOPUS: MAKING CONTACT – The scoop on the new PBS documentary – Part 2 – Exclusive Interview

Octopus touches its reflection in glass tank. Anchorage, Alaska from NATURE - OCTOPUS: MAKING CONTACT| ©2019 Passion Planet/Quinton Smith

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with documentary filmmaker Anna Fitch, Dr. David Scheel, his daughter Laurel Scheel, they talk more the PBS: NATURE film “Octopus: Making Contact,” airing Wednesday, October 2. The discussion includes both the octopus Heidi, who spent a year in a huge tank in the Scheels’ living room, and octopuses in general. AX: Regarding the life span of an octopus, there was another documentary where the implication was that octopus mortality in the wild is that something happens to physically exhaust them – in the case of females, it’s often giving birth – and that […]Read On »


OCTOPUS: MAKING CONTACT – The scoop on the new PBS documentary – Part 1 – Exclusive Interview

Octopus hanging at water surface reaching towards the camera. Anchorage, Alaska in NATURE - OCTOPUS: MAKING CONTACT ©2019 Passion Planet/Quinton Smith

PBS NATURE’s film “Octopus: Making Contact” airs on Wednesday, October 2. The documentary, from director Anna Fitch, examines a number of aspects of the octopus, including its singular evolution: unlike vertebrates, the sea creature has evolved with its esophagus in its brain. “Octopus: Making Contact” also visits Octopolis, in a bay off of Australia’s Sydney Harbor, where normally solitary octopuses live in a colony. (Octopi, it’s explained during a PBS Q&A session for the program, is a Latin affectation adopted by some scientists in the early twentieth century; it’s not necessarily the right word for more than one octopus.) Mostly, […]Read On »


FRONTLINE: SEX TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA filmmakers chat about new documentary – Exclusive Interview

Several Phoenix Vice detectives make contact with a woman to determine if she is a trafficking victim in FRONTLINE - SEX TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA | ©2019 PBS

PBS’s Tuesday-night documentary series FRONTLINE deals with a variety of complex, sobering issues. On May 28, FRONTLINE presents “Sex Trafficking in America.” As FRONTLINE executive producer Raney Aronson Rath describes it, “Sex Trafficking in America” explores “a hidden epidemic. It’s happening across the country in every state, at alarming rates. And children and teenagers who are online are increasingly at risk. Our team has spent almost three years embedded with an undercover police unit in Phoenix, Arizona, that is trying to tackle this dangerous issue.” The “Sex Trafficking in America” investigative team is headed up by the award-winning duo director […]Read On »


MASTERPIECE: LES MISERABLES: Actor and executive producer David Oyelowo on the new PBS series – Exclusive Interview

David Oyelowo, Lily Collins, Dominic West in MASTERPIECE: LES MISERABLES | ©2019 BBC/Lookout Point/David Oyelowo

The new six-part drama LES MISERABLES on PBS MASTERPIECE, currently airing Sunday nights (it will repeat at an earlier hour in June), after premiering earlier this year in the U.K. on BBC1. David Oyelowo (pronounced “oh-YELLOW-oh”) plays the fanatical Inspector Javert. Oyelowo is also an executive producer on this non-musical adaptation of Victor Hugo’s massive 1862 novel set in France as revolution is brewing. Reformed convict Jean Valjean (Dominic West), a genuinely good man, devotes his life to helping others, but Javert is determined to track him down. Oyelowo, originally from Oxford, England, was a regular on the British espionage […]Read On »


LES MISERABLES: Dominic West on the new PBS drama – Interview

David Oyelowo, Lily Collins, Dominic West in MASTERPIECE: LES MISERABLES | ©2019 BBC/Lookout Point

When most people think about Victor Hugo’s sprawling novel LES MISERABLES, originally published in 1862, they associate it with the hugely popular stage musical and its film adaptation. However, LES MISERABLES has been adapted as a straight drama on a number of occasions. The newest version of LES MISERABLES, a miniseries originally produced by and aired on the BBC, begins airing in the U.S. on PBS MASTERPIECE on Sunday, April 14. Dominic West stars as reformed criminal Jean Valjean, trying to live a good life as he is pursued over decades by obsessed law officer Javert (David Oyelowo), with revolution […]Read On »


MRS WILSON: Actor Iain Glen chats about new mini-series and GAME OF THRONES – Interview

Iain Glen in MRS WILSON | ©2019 PBS

Actor Iain Glen is having a busy run of Sundays on television. On March 31 and April 7, he stars in the four-hour miniseries MRS WILSON opposite Ruth Wilson, on PBS’s MASTERPIECE. Developed for television by Wilson, MRS WILSON sees Wilson playing her own grandmother, Alison Wilson, whose memoirs were the basis for the miniseries. After her husband, British ex-spy Alec Wilson (played by Glen) died, Alison discovered that he had multiple other wives and families. (Ruth Wilson says there are now enormous Wilson family reunions, where surviving members of all the different strands get together – she suspects there […]Read On »



Pat Vegas and members of the Native American rock group are featured in RUMBLE | Photo Credit: Joseph Dominguez

In part two of our exclusive interview with Stevie Salas and the Black Eyed Peas’ Taboo, both discuss what they learned during their work on the documentary RUMBLE: THE INDIANS WHO ROCKED THE WORLD, making its PBS debut Monday, January 21. ASSIGNMENT X: Has anything you’ve learned in the course of making this film affected your own music, the way you make music, your attitude toward your music, what you want to do with the music? TABOO: It has. It inspired me to be, I say, like the P. Diddy of Native artists. Because I have such a huge platform, […]Read On »

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