Damian Lewis on WOLF HALL – interview

Damian Lewis stars as King Henry VIII on the PBS series WOLF HALL | © 2015 PBS

Damian Lewis won an Emmy for his portrayal of Nicholas Brody, a U.S. Marine turned terrorist turned counter-terrorist assassin, during his three years on HOMELAND. The London-born actor, who previously starred in two seasons of LIFE, is now back on television playing no less an historical personage than England’s King Henry VIII in PBS’s six-hour WOLF HALL, which premieres Sunday, April 5. Adapted from Hilary Mantel’s novels, WOLF HALL explores the relationship between Henry and his spy master, the common-born Thomas Cromwell, played by Mark Rylance, as well as the marriage of Henry and second wife Anne Boleyn (Claire Foy). […]Read On »


David Harewood on SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED – exclusive interview


In 2012, England’s BBC4 and America’s PBS, via member station WNET New York Public Media, joined together to bring forth SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED, a series of documentaries about Shakespeare’s plays, which aired on PBS in 2013. Each segment, hosted by someone famed for their connection to the Bard’s work, was full of insights into the source and inspiration of the plays and interviews with actors, directors and other experts who had insights into the material. This year, a second season of SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED is airing on PBS. The first two segments, with Hugh Bonneville on A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM and Christopher […]Read On »


The scoop on Season 5 of DOWNTON ABBEY from executive producer Gareth Neame – Exclusive Interview

Jim Carter as Mr. Carson and Phyllis Logan as Mrs. Hughes in DOWNTON ABBEY - Season 5 | ©2015 Carnival Films/Nick Briggs

DOWNTON ABBEY commences its fifth season on PBS Sunday, January 4, at 9 PM. The beloved British import chronicling the lives of the titled Crawley family and their servants is now firmly immersed in the Twenties, when social change is afoot. Executive producer Gareth Neame, also one of the executive producers of SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED, which will have a new season on PBS as well, takes a moment to talk about DOWNTON‘s international success. ASSIGNMENT X: There were a few shows that preceded DOWNTON ABBEY that were trying to do something like UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS, which did not succeed. Then DOWNTON came […]Read On »


Screenwriter Linda Woolverton on MAKERS: WOMEN WHO MAKE AMERICA – Exclusive Interview

MAKERS logo | ©2014 PBS

PBS’ MAKERS: WOMEN WHO MAKE AMERICA began last year as a three-hour documentary. This year, it’s back as a six-part series, focusing on women in various arenas, including politics, space, war, comedy, business and Hollywood. The “Women in Hollywood” segment airs Tuesday, October 7. Screenwriter/playwright Linda Woolverton is one of the interviewees. There is no question that her work has made a difference both in Hollywood and in the imaginations of many audience members of both genders and all ages, though perhaps particularly affecting young girls. Woolverton, a California native, worked for a year in the entertainment department at Disneyland […]Read On »


Interview: Gary Janetti gets VICIOUS with new PBS Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi comedy

Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi in VICIOUS artwork | ©2014 BBC / PBS

In the comedy VICIOUS, premiering its first season on PBS Sunday, June 29, at 9 PM, Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Ian McKellen play, respectively, Stuart Bixby and Freddie Thornhill. Stuart and Freddie are a gay couple who have been together for fifty years. They love one another dearly and insult each other – and anyone else in the vicinity – incessantly. This very British series was created by American Gary Janetti, with Mark Thornhill. Janetti has written and produced on FAMILY GUY and WILL AND GRACE. After a Q&A session PBS holds on VICIOUS for the Television Critics Association […]Read On »


Interview: SHERLOCK co-creator Steven Moffat is on the case for Season 3

Benedict Cumberbatch stars in SHERLOCK on PBS | © 2014 PBS

  SHERLOCK is back on the case in his third season on PBS, Sunday at 10 PM, albeit too briefly for most fans – this Sunday’s episode, the third of the current series, is also the season finale. With Benedict Cumberbatch as the famous detective who faked his own death at the end of last season and Martin Freeman as the often irate but loyal and smart Dr. John Watson, series creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss’ present-day take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s London sleuth has its viewers begging for more. Moffat is in attendance for a Q&A held […]Read On »


Interview: SHERLOCK star Benedict Cumberbatch talks Season 3

Benedict Cumberbatch stars in SHERLOCK on PBS | © 2014 PBS

SHERLOCK is back for its third season on PBS, Sundays at 10 PM, and not a moment too soon. The series, created by Mark Gatiss & Steven Moffat from Arthur Conan Doyle’s detail-oriented British detective character, has been much missed by its fans during the long gap since the end of Season 2, which saw Benedict Cumberbatch’s Sherlock apparently falling to his death from a rooftop, much to the grief of his friend and detecting partner Dr. John Watson (Martin Freeman). Now Sherlock is back – with an explanation of how and why he disappeared for two years and fooled […]Read On »


Interview: Phyllis Logan gives the scoop on DOWNTON ABBEY Season 4

Phyllis Logan in DOWNTON ABBEY | ©2013 PBS/Joss Barratt

DOWNTON ABBEY, the phenomenally popular series about the wealthy British Grantham family and their servants before, during and after World War I, launches its fourth season on PBS Sunday, January 5 at 9 PM. When PBS throws a DOWNTON ABBEY event for the Television Critics Association, actress Phyllis Logan is among the guests. Logan plays Mrs. Elsie Hughes, the chief housekeeper at Downton Abbey. Logan, who hails from Scotland, is a constantly working actress in the U.K., with credits including a series regular role on six seasons of LOVEJOY as the very “upstairs” character Lady Jane Felsham and her award-winning […]Read On »




SUPERHEROES: A NEVER-ENDING BATTLE is a three-hour documentary on comic books and the culture they’ve created that airs Tuesday October 15 on PBS. Documentarian Michael Kantor says, “We made this series so that no parent would ever throw out their kids’ comic books again. This series is not just for comic book geeks – it’s funded both by the National Endowment of the Arts and the National Endowment of Humanities, and it contextualizes the stories of comic book superheroes within the greater history, that of the Great Depression, World War II, the congressional witch hunts of the 1950s, the Watergate […]Read On »


DVD/Blu-ray Review: FOYLE’S WAR – Set 7 – “The Eternity Ring,” “The Cage,” “Sunflower”

FOYLES WAR SET 7 | (c) 2013 Acorn Media

Stars: Michael Kitchen, Honeysuckle Weeks, Daniel Weyman, Ellie Haddington, Nicholas Jones Writers: Anthony Horowitz and David Kane, created by Anthony Horowitz Directors: Stuart Orme and Andy Hay Distributor: RLJ Entertainment/Acorn Media Release Date: September 24, 2013 It’s relatively rare for a series to actually change genres, but with Season 7 (or Series 7, as the British call it), FOYLE’S WAR goes from a WWII police drama to a post-WWII espionage thriller without losing any of its tone, clarity, twists or, crucially, its hero Christopher Foyle, impeccably played by Michael Kitchen. There may be some confusion as to the contents of […]Read On »

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