Exclusive Interview: Tony Denison talks MAJOR CRIMES and THE CLOSER

Tony Denison in MAJOR CRIMES - Season 1 | ©2012 Karen Neal

One of the enduring pleasures of the TNT series THE CLOSER was the sparring between Anthony Denison’s character LAPD Detective Lieutenant Andy Flynn and G.W. Bailey’s character Lieutenant Louie Provenza. The characters and their dynamic have now moved over to THE CLOSER’s spin-off MAJOR CRIMES – both series created by James Duff – which airs Mondays at 9 PM on TNT, even though Kyra Sedgwick’s Brenda Leigh Johnson has left and the squad room is now being run by Mary McDonnell’s Sharon Raydor. Veteran actor Denison, a native of Harlem, New York, got his big break playing mobster Ray Luca […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: GRIMM star Silas Weir Mitchell is not Blutbad to the bone

Silas Weir Mitchell in GRIMM - Season 1 - "Last Grimm Standing" | ©2012 NBC/Scott Green

On NBC’s GRIMM, which has its first-season finale tonight at 9 PM, David Giuntoli plays Portland, Oregon police homicide detective Nick Burkhardt. In the opener of the series, created by Stephen Carpenter, David Greenwalt and Jim Kouf, Nick discovers that he is a Grimm, someone who can see the true nature of supernatural entities living among oblivious humans. Nick’s initially reluctant guide to the world of the Wesen (pronounced “Vessen”), as the supernatural beings are called, is a Wiesen Blutbad named Eddie Monroe, played by Silas Weir Mitchell. Blutbads are the basis for werewolf myths, we are told, but Monroe […]Read On »


Exclusive Interview: BREAKOUT KINGS captures PRISON BREAK creators Matt Olmstead & Nick Santora

Domenick Lombardozzi, Jimmi Simpson, Malcolm Goodwin & Serinda Swan in BREAKOUT KINGS - Season 1 | ©2011 A&E

In A&E’s new scripted action drama series BREAKOUT KINGS, airing Sundays at 10 PM, two United States Marshals, played by Laz Alonso and Domenick Lombardozzi, enlist/coerce the aid of three convicts (Jimmi Simpson, Malcolm Goodwin, Serinda Ryan) in recapturing prison escapees. Matt Olmstead and Rick Santora, who worked as a team for four years on PRISON BREAK, are the creators/executive producers of BREAKOUT KINGS and talk to us about why they are returning to jail with their storytelling. ASSIGNMENT X: What is the genesis of BREAKOUT KINGS? MATT OLMSTEAD: For me on PRISON BREAK, probably year two or three, Santora […]Read On »


TCA 2011: T-Bag (Robert Knepper) from PRISON BREAK will appear on BREAKOUT KINGS

Robert Knepper in PRISON BREAK |© 2008 Fox

One of the most exciting bits of news coming out of the Winter TCA Press tour today – Robert Knepper’s T-Bag character from PRISON BREAK will appear on A&E’s new series BREAKOUT KINGS from the producers and creator of PRISON BREAK. How cool is that? The new series features a crack team of U.S. Marshals using expert “breakout” criminals to help them capture other prisoners on the run. That’s where T-Bag figures in. “The character T-Bag breaks out of Fox River prison and our guys chase him,” confirms executive producer Nick Santora, but says don’t expect to see a PRISON […]Read On »



© 2010 Lionsgate | THE NEXT THREE DAYS poster

THE NEXT THREE DAYS is an English-language remake, apparently quite faithful, of the French thriller POUR ELLE. In the new version, scripted and directed by Paul Haggis (CRASH), Russell Crowe plays a husband so devoted that, when it looks like his wife is going to spend the rest of her life in prison, he decides to break her out and flee the country, even though he has no previous criminal expertise whatsoever. This last is the most prominent of the several plot engines propelling THE NEXT THREE DAYS. Most movies about something as large-scale as a prison breakout have at […]Read On »

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