Exclusive Interview: TRUE BLOOD star Carrie Preston chats THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID

Georgia-born Carrie Preston is both a filmmaker and an actress. Her most recent directing gig, the feature film THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID, is out in theatres this Friday. Fans of TRUE BLOOD know Preston as outspoken Bon Temps waitress Arlene Fowler, she has a recurring role on THE GOOD WIFE and it looks likely that she may reprise her character Grace, who’s the love interest for Finch (Michael Emerson, Preston’s real-life spouse) on PERSON OF INTEREST. Speaking by phone,Prestontalks about her parallel careers. ASSIGNMENT X: What is THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID about? CARRIE PRESTON: It is about two best friends. […]Read On »