Interview: BEFORE MIDNIGHT composer Graham Reynolds creates the musical conversation

BEFORE MIDNIGHT soundtrack | ©2013 Milan Records

For such a visual medium as film, it’s amazing that watching two agingly attractive people gabbing away overseas at cafes, on sidewalks and in hotel rooms can prove just as cinematically engaging as a superhero blockbuster. That says much about just how great the said talk is through three BEFORE movies, a conversation first sparked 18 years ago by filmmaker Richard Linklater and co-writer Kim Krizan in BEFORE SUNSET, then continued on in 2004’s BEFORE SUNRISE with co-stars Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy adding their own verbal food for thought for their character’s developing relationship. Now BEFORE MIDNIGHT finds American […]Read On »


Festival Report: The scoop on SXSW 2013 – Part 1

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Listen up film festival cowboy and cowgirls, if this is your first time at the film festival rodeo they call SXSW (South By South West) you need to know a few things… 1) It’s not really one festival, it’s three. Film. Music. Interactive. And they overlap, overplay and overload. Film runs March 8th-12th, Interactive from the 8th-12th and Music from the 12th-17th. 2) The main events are held on the fabled sixth street where theaters and music halls collide with bars and restaurants. 3) There isn’t one convention center there’s two and they’re separated by a river. 4) Austin, the […]Read On »

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