TV Review: DOCTOR WHO – Series 6 – “The Girl Who Waited” – Review #1

Stars: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Josie Taylor, Imelda Staunton, Stephen Bracken-Koegh Writer: Tom MacRae Director: Nick Hurran Network: BBC America, airs Saturday nights Original Telecast: September 10, 2011 In the tenth episode of DOCTOR WHO Series 6, “The Girl Who Waited,” Amy (Karen Gillan) is quickly separated from Rory (Arthur Darvill) and the Doctor (Matt Smith) upon visiting a strange medical facility that sorts its terminal patients into their very own accelerated time streams. Trapped and living at a faster rate than her two boys, Amy ages 36 years and reunites with Rory as a hardened woman that […]Read On »