Movie Review: MADS

MADS movie poster | ©2024 Capella Film/Shudder

Rating: TV-MA Stars: Lucille Guillaume, Laurie Pavy, Milton Riche, Yovel Lewkowski, Sasha Rudakowa, Vincent Pasdermadjian Writer: David Moreau Director: David Moreau Distributor: Capella Film/Shudder Release Date: October 18, 2024 (Shudder) MADS is made to look as though it was shot in one continuous take. We know it wasn’t, of course, as it moves from day to night, indoors to outdoors and back again, and through multiple neighborhoods. The conceit does keep us on our toes, though. We’re somewhere in France, where Romain (Milton Riche) is celebrating his eighteenth birthday by getting high on a snortable drug of unknown provenance, at […]Read On »

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