Interview: Director Rob Zombie on THE LORDS OF SALEM

Sheri Moon Zombie in THE LORDS OF SALEM | ©2013 Anchor Bay

In the new Rob Zombie directed horror film THE LORDS OF SALEM (which is in theaters now), Salem, MA radio d.j. Heidi, played by Zombie’s real-life wife Sheri Moon Zombie, is sent a record with a strange musical riff that is tied to the famed Salem witches, who seem to be reaching from beyond the grave to further their original goals. At a small press conference, Zombie talks about his new movie. On how he came up with the storyline for THE LORDS OF SALEM… “The storyline came to me about seven years ago,” says Zombie. “I was just reading […]Read On »


TRUE BLOOD: THE COMPLETE THIRD SEASON is one of the Blu-ray and DVD picks this week

TRUE BLOOD SEASON 2 | © 2011 HBO Home Video

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. MOVIES DRIVE ANGRY – While not for the intellectual types that think everything must hinge on reality and have a definitive concrete storyline, DRIVE ANGRY is actually quite fun and Nicolas Cage is at his crazy best as a dude that escapes hell in order to save his […]Read On »


Interview: Malcolm McDowell on the 40th Anniversary of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE

Malcolm McDowell in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE | ©1971 Warner Bros.

In 1971, director Stanley Kubrick created a whole new filmic language with his controversial adaptation of the Anthony Burgess novel A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. A slightly futuristic satire on free will, the film starred Malcolm McDowell as the ultra-violent Alex, a wayward youth who finds a thrill in empty acts of sex and violence. When he’s sentenced to prison for murder, he’s enlisted into a new government program designed to curb his anti-social tendencies, but the after effects transform Alex from villain to unlikely anti-hero. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE has remained a polarizing film for decades and the new two-disc Blu-ray edition […]Read On »

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