Robert Hays flies again in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE – Exclusive Interview

Ian Ziering as Fin Shepard in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE | © 2014 Will Hart/NBC

Actor Robert Hays has a huge amount of film and television credits, including the title role as an alien with a half-human son in the TV series version of STARMAN. However, it’s likely that the Maryland native will always be best-known and loved for his role as disaster-plagued Captain Ted Stryker in the comedy classic film AIRPLANE! and AIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL. Hays has once again taken to the unfriendly skies as an airplane captain, this one named Bob Wilson, in Syfy’s monster hit SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE. For those who still don’t know, like last year’s SHARKNADO, the […]Read On »


DEFIANCE show runner Kevin Murphy chats about Season 2 – Exclusive – Part 2

Grant Bowler as Joshua Nolan in DEFIANCE | © 2014 Ben Mark Holzberg/Syfy

In Part 2 of Assignment X’s exclusive interview with Kevin Murphy, the co-creator/executive producer/show runner of Syfy’s DEFIANCE, he talks about metaphor, Votan races and why he never wants to work with feathers again. AX: At what point did you realize the series was in part a metaphor for human on human interaction? KEVIN MURPHY: I think that was always part of it. I’m as proud of this show as anything I’ve ever done, and I’ve done a lot of stuff over the years, and I think it’s really a testament to, we were in a supportive environment with a […]Read On »


THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS star Emmett Skilton is Godly – Exclusive

Emmett Skilton in THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS - Season 1 | © 2014 ALL3MEDIA & South Pacific Pictures

THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS has already shot and aired three seasons in New Zealand, but its first season just started airing on Syfy Channel in July, Fridays at 10 PM. In the series, contemporary New Zealand native Axl Johnson finds out on his twenty-first birthday that he’s actually the incarnation of Odin, king of the Norse gods. More, Axl’s three brothers are also incarnations of Norse gods. Their powers aren’t all that powerful yet, but they will be if Axl can complete a quest. If he doesn’t complete it, they all die and possibly the world will come to an end. […]Read On »


DEFIANCE show runner Kevin Murphy talks Season 2 – Part 1 – Exclusive

Jesse Rath as Alak Tarr in DEFIANCE | © 2014 Ben Mark Holzberg/Syfy

DEFIANCE, now in its second season on Syfy Channel, concerns an Earth approximately thirty-five years after seven different types of aliens, known collectively as the Votan, crash-landed on Earth. The Votan have issues with each other, as well as with humans, who – as always – also have issues with one another. At the same time the TV series DEFIANCE began airing, Trion launched its online videogame DEFIANCE, which has story and characters that synch up at various points with the show. This poses a unique challenge for both the TV creative staff and the videogame personnel. DEFIANCE executive producer/co-creator/show […]Read On »


SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE star Judah Friedlander takes a bite out of sharks

Judah Friedlander as Bryan in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE | © 2014 Eric Liebowitz/Syfy

Judah Friedlander spent seven seasons playing Frank Rossitano on NBC’s 30 ROCK. Since NBC and Syfy Channel have the same parent company, NBC/Universal, it’s perhaps not totally surprising that the Maryland-born actor/comedian – whose many other credits include the films AMERICAN SPLENDOR, MEET THE PARENTS and THE WRESTLER – wound up in Syfy Channel’s SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE. However, as Friedlander explains at a party thrown by NBC/Universal Television for the press, it wasn’t a case of anybody at either network approaching him about the sequel, which concerns a Sharknado hitting New York City. “I went to them. I […]Read On »


Ian Ziering grabs the chainsaw again in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE

Ian Ziering reprises his role as Fin Shepard in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE | © 2014 Eric Liebowitz/Syfy

In 2013’s surprise hit SHARKNADO, Ian Ziering played heroic Fin Shepard, who almost single-handedly – with a chainsaw in that hand – saved Los Angeles from a tornado full of sharks. In SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE, which premieres on Syfy Channel Wednesday, July 30, Ziering is back as Fin. Fin and reconciled ex-wife April Wexler (Tara Reid, also reprising her original SHARKNADO role) are on their way to New York City to promote April’s book about surviving the previous year’s event. However, they don’t even land in the Big Apple before they’re once again grappling with storm-borne Great Whites, […]Read On »


Judd Hirsch takes a bite out of SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE

Judd Hirsch and Dante Palmenteri in SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE | courtesy Dante Palmenteri

A strange coincidence has landed Judd Hirsch at Syfy Channel’s Beverly Hilton poolside screening of SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE for the benefit of the Television Critics Association press tour. The sequel to last summer’s surprise Syfy hit is being projected onto a gigantic blank wall next to the pool prior to its Syfy Channel premiere on Wednesday, July 30. The atmosphere is deliberately drive-in theatre, with couches decorated to look like car seats and popcorn and soda stations (as well as regular drive-in dinner fare). Hirsch was nominated for an Supporting Actor Oscar for his work in ORDINARY PEOPLE, […]Read On »


TV Review: BEING HUMAN – Season 4 – “That Time of the Month”

Meaghan Rath as Sally on BEING HUMAN "That Time of the Month" | © 2014 Philippe Bosse / Syfy

Stars: Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath, Sam Huntington, Kristen Hager, Katharine Isabelle, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf, Deanna Russo, Mark Pellegrino Writer: Lisa Randolph, adapted for U.S. television by Jeremy Carver & Anna Fricke, created for U.K. television by Toby Whithouse Director: Stefan Pleszczynski Network: Syfy, Mondays @ 9 PM Airdate: January 20, 2014 BEING HUMAN has a strong episode in “That Time of the Month,” as it has striking visual elements, several big plot twists and the added bonus of Mark Pellegrino’s Bishop showing up in flashbacks. Ghost Sally (Meaghan Rath), aware that she’s come back from the never-never with some extra power, is able to dig up […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos from the SHARKNADO DVD and Blu-ray Signing

Sharknado Cast and Creators and The Shark participates in the Sharknado DVD Signing | © 2013 Albert L. Ortega

The SHARKNADO cast and creators (and the Shark) took over Dark Delicacies Bookstore in Burbank on September 8th for a DVD signing release for the SyFy Channel’s hit movie. Signing was Director Anthony C. Ferrante, Writer Thunder Levin. Joining them were stars: Tara Reid, Ian Ziering, Cassie Scerbo, Jaason Simmons, John Heard, and Robbie Rist. Plus, Producer – David Michael Latt, Synapse FX’s Joe Cornell and Josh Foster, Film Editor – William Boodell, and Visual Effects Supervisor – Emile Edwin Smith. Seen in the crowd was actor M. Steven Felty who also has a voice cameo in the film. Albert […]Read On »


Exclusive Photos from the SHARKNADO Los Angeles Theatrical Event

Ian Ziering, Tara Reid and Cassie Scerbo attends The Los Angeles Premiere of Sharknado | ©2013 Albert L. Ortega

The Asylum and Fathom Events presented the Los Angeles Theatrical Event of SyFy Channel’s surprise hit SHARKNADO on August 2nd at L.A. Live Regal Cinemas in Los Angeles. It was a midnight screening in over 300 theatres nationwide for one-night only. SHARKNADO was a cultural phenomenon on Twitter and Facebook. It is a fun movie! Remember the Sharks will be back in 2014 with SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE! Seen walking the carpet were the stars of SHARKNADO, which included: Ian Ziering, Tara Reid, Cassie Scerbo, Chuck Hittinger, Alex Arieo, Israel Saez de Miguel, Christopher Wolfe, John Heard, Robbie Rist, […]Read On »

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