J August Richards talks GIANTS, Deathlok on AGENTS OF SHIELD and more – Part 2 – Exclusive Interview

In Part 2 of our exclusive telephone interview with J. August Richards regarding his work as a director/writer/producer/actor on TVOne’s Cleo TV’s Sunday-airing series GIANTS, we discuss the show’s depiction of spirituality, the homage to FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR, whether he’ll play Deathlok again, and more. ASSIGNMENT X: You’ve talked about being a churchgoer in real life. Do you relate to the spirituality in GIANTS ? J AUGUST RICHARDS: Very much so. [GIANTS creator/star] James [Bland] and I have very long and involved conversations about God, about religion, about spirituality, about prayer, about meditation. AX: How is it writing dialogue to […]Read On »