Exclusive Interview: TEEN WOLF showrunner Jeff Davis talks Season 2 finale and Season 3

Tyler Posey in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 premiere - "Omega" | ©2012 MTV

One of the most engaging and exciting genre series on television is MTV’s re-envisioning of the classic 1980s comedy TEEN WOLF. Stripping away the silliness and playing it straight, executive producer and showrunner Jeff Davis has crafted one of the best genre TV shows set in high school since BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. With TEEN WOLF concluding its summer season tonight, we caught up with Davis to talk about the Season 2 finale and teases where our titular teen wolf Scott McCall (Tyler Posey) and his makeshift Scooby Pack will be heading in Season 3. ASSIGNMENT X: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Battlefield”

Crystal Reed in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Battlefield" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Jeff Davis Director  Tim Andrew Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: August 7, 2012 After a full season of one major event after another in a great, long story arc (and little room to breathe), “Battlefield” finally allows TEEN WOLF to put some space between the major Kanima storyline and last week’s death of Matt (Stephen Lunsford) who went pretty crazy after he bonded with the Kanima. He wanted revenge, and the Kanima offered that. It wasn’t intentional, but it happened. […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Party Guessed”

Stephen Lunsford and the Kanima in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Party Guessed" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Jeff Davis Director Tim Andrew Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: July 23, 2012 In some ways, it would be nice to have more two hour TEEN WOLF episodes, because then there wouldn’t be that inevitable delay of continuity. Then again, having to wait a week for resolutions is a good thing too – it makes you come back for more. After last episode’s “Raving”, the gang start to get closer to who is the Kanima’s Master, and with “Party Guessed”, […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Raving”

Crystal Reed in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Raving" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Jeff Davis Director Russell Mulcahy Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: July 22, 2012 The stakes are raised once again with TEEN WOLF in the exceptional new episode “Raving” that sees even more twists tossed into the mix. At the forefront is Jackson (Coloton Haynes) still not understanding he’s become a psycho shape-shifting Kanima snake creature being controlled by someone even more nefarious. Scott (Tyler Posey) and his makeshift teen team get closer to the truth and learn that the person […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Restraint”

Colton Haynes in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Restraint" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Nick Antosca & Ned Vizzini Director Russell Mulcahy Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: July 9, 2012 Once again, TEEN WOLF continues its feature film quality and delivers another great episode with “Restraint.” Of course the title could be further from the truth, since this episode is packed with non-stop action and plot turns. Restraint is the last thing on its mind as all the pieces of a very elaborate puzzle are being laid out with fantastic results. The plot elements […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Frenemy”

Tyler Posey in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Frenemy"| ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Jeff Davis Director Russell Mulcahy Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: July 2, 2012 Now that we’re safely at the mid-way point of the second season of TEEN WOLF, the story continues to progress in “Frenemy” at a rapid fire pace delivering a great looking and written episode that progresses many of the show’s themes, but also delivers a couple more surprises as well. In a way, TEEN WOLF is a 13 hour movie – since there’s usually not a lot […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Venomous”

Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed and Tyler Posey in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Venomous" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Ned Vizzini & Nick Antosca Director Tim Andrew Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: June 25, 2012 It’s about time TEEN WOLF started revealing some things, and finally it does with “Venomous”, an appropriately titled episode since it reveals a snake (i.e. a new form of shapeshifter) hiding in our core group. After several episodes of teasing, “Venomous” finally offers up the big reveal about half-way through the episode, and while it’s not altogether surprising, I’m just relieved it’s a major […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Abomination”

Tyler Posey in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Abomination" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Christian Taylor Director Tim Andrew Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: June 17, 2012 I hate to say this, because I love TEEN WOLF so much, but the latest episode “Abomination” was about as frustrating as you can get. Yes, it has some great effects, yes, the humor is there, yes I like the characters, but the pacing and the ultimate reveal of what the Shapeshifter looks like was kind of, well, anti-climactic. We still don’t know who the Shapeshifter  is, […]Read On »


SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS Highlights DVD and Blu-ray Releases for the Week

SHERLOCK HOLMES A GAME OF SHADOWS | (c) 2012 Warner Home Video

Your time is short. We know this. So in order to expedite your buying and Netflix decision making, we provide you with a list of the cool and not-so-cool titles coming out for movies, television and everything in-between. So put your feet up, grab some popcorn and check out this week’s selections. Movies SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS – I wasn’t a big fan of the first SHERLOCK HOLMES movie as I never really got behind the legendary detective as an action hero versus, you know, doing actual investigative work. So when the sequel came out I wasn’t expecting […]Read On »


TV Review: TEEN WOLF – Season 2 – “Ice Pick”

Crystal Reed and JR Bourne in TEEN WOLF - Season 2 - "Ice Pick" | ©2012 MTV

Stars: Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O’Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Holland Roden, Colton Haynes, Linden Ashby, JR Bourne Writer: Luke Passmore Director Tim Andrew Network: MTV, airs Monday nights Original Telecast: June 11, 2012 A war is brewing in TEEN WOLF and the question is – who will be on which side? In the latest episode “Ice Pick”, you have Allison (Crystal Reed) discovering from her dad (JR Bourne) that boys are meant to be soldiers, girls are meant to be leaders (which probably explains why Allison’s mom is such a scary nut job). Anyway, her dad kidnaps her and lets […]Read On »

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