Interview: KILL YOUR DARLINGS screenwriters John Krokidas and Austin Bunn

KILL YOUR DARLINGS, just released on Blu-ray and DVD, charts the startling but largely unknown story of a 1940s murder that had a huge effect on the life of then-budding Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, along with Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and other later-to-be-famous figures. Daniel Radcliffe stars as Ginsberg, with Dane DeHaan as Lucien Carr, Michael C. Hall as David Kammerer, Jack Huston as Kerouac and Ben Foster as Burroughs. Austin Bunn and John Krokidas wrote the film together, with Krokidas as its director (his first time helming a feature film). The two colleagues, former roommates at Yale, give […]Read On »